2025 Call for Presentations

National Lifespan Respite Conference

Call for Presentations

DEADLINE for PROPOSAL SUBMISSION:  Extended to October 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. 

Be sure to read the Call for Presentations below or download it at the link above, review the instructions, and preview the questions, before completing and submitting your proposal online.

Conf Logo

The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, in collaboration with the Alabama Lifespan Respite Network, will host the 2025 National Lifespan Respite Conference in Huntsville, AL, on April 1-3, 2025. The conference will be preceded by the Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium (by invitation only) on April 1, 2025.

The theme for the conference, RAISE and Engage – Launch Respite Now, is not only a nod to the incredible history of the space industry in Huntsville, AL, also known as Rocket City USA, but also is a call to action. In 2022, the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers was released by the Administration for Community Living. The National Strategy was developed jointly by the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council and the Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, with extensive input from the public, including family caregivers and the people they support. The report includes nearly 500 actions that can be adopted at every level of government and across the public and private sectors, including actions that each of us can take, to advance supports to strengthen the nation’s more than 53 million family caregivers.

Since its release, ARCH and the Lifespan Respite Network have been fully engaged in leading efforts at the state and local levels to implement respite actions in the National Strategy. The theme of this conference invites you to join us and engage your partners and those you serve to launch respite now!

The conference focus is on Respite, but our driving intention is to strengthen and support family caregivers, who are the backbone of the nation’s long-term services and supports system. The conference will provide opportunities to create the space, inspiration and momentum needed in order to prepare our organizations to take flight in the mission to support the nation’s family caregivers.

Previous National Lifespan Respite Conferences have been very successful, and we expect no less from the 2025 conference in Huntsville! The conference will offer valuable, up-to-date information for families, professionals and interested agencies and organizations on out-of-this-world respite supports for caregivers. Conference keynote speakers and breakout sessions will offer a multitude of opportunities to “connect the stars” in the constellation between the Lifespan Respite Care Program and other respite programs and public and private initiatives that support caregivers.

This call for presentations is an opportunity to come to Huntsville to share your innovative best practices related to respite care, envision a new path to caregiver support, take flight with new ideas for respite, and benefit and learn from what you and the respite network have accomplished.

Target Audience

This national conference is intended for everyone who supports family members and family caregivers of individuals across all ages. Anyone who is affected by or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, ALS, Autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy. ADHD, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health, and behavioral health issues, or any other disabling or chronic condition, has much to gain by participating in this event. Families of or providers to military wounded soldiers or Veterans, kinship caregivers or providers, working caregivers, young caregivers, and those supporting families at risk of abuse or neglect, will also benefit from attending this conference.

The audience will include family caregivers, persons with disabilities, older adults, parents, grandparents, siblings, young caregivers, guardians, respite providers, social workers, case managers, program managers, nurses, researchers, advocates, direct support staff, employers, teachers, leaders of faith‐based organizations, policy makers, and other community/business leaders who influence and shape the role of respite in the support network.

Presentation Formats

The conference will offer 60-minute time slots for breakout sessions. Presenters are encouraged to incorporate the RAISE and Engage – Launch Respite Now theme, targeting one of the six topic areas or the Lifespan Respite Track listed below. Each presentation should include at least three learning objectives.

Please think of creative ways to inform and energize the audience. Presenters are welcomed and encouraged to develop interactive sessions that engage participants in discussion, networking, and an open exchange of ideas. You may develop a proposal alone or with one or two other speakers on a related topic. The conference review committee retains the right to combine presentations with others under similar topics. Presenters will be notified in advance if this occurs.

Breakout rooms will be set up in “theatre” style to accommodate 35-75 participants. If your proposed session or presentation requires a different space set up, the request must be indicated on the application form. We will not be able to guarantee your preferred arrangement, but we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Presentation Tracks and Topics

We are looking for presentation proposals that focus on respite care, but cross over multiple disciplines, reflecting the wide range of options required and utilized by caregivers across the lifespan. Proposals should target one of six topical tracks or the Lifespan Respite Track. Presenters are encouraged to describe how their work aligns with the conference theme, RAISE and Engage – Launch Respite Now, and is helping to advance the five goals of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. Following each topic description are questions to help you think about possible session ideas, but you are not limited to these. Be bold!

Track Details

Review Process

All completed proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Planning Committee using the following criteria:

  • Clarity and detail of the abstract
  • Focus on respite care
  • Usefulness, relevance, and replicability of the information, skills, and/or ideas for the intended audience
  • Demonstration of impact/outcomes for family caregivers, care recipients and/or system, agency or coalition
  • Contributions to new or innovative practices
  • Specificity and clarity of Learning Objectives
  • Presenter’s qualifications and experience
  • Level of intent to stimulate active engagement of participants

We reserve the right to request modifications to a proposal before a final decision is made. We also reserve the right to combine presentations with similar topics in one session. Presenters will be notified in advance if this should occur.

Presenter Registration

All presenters will be required to be registered for the conference. Approved presenters will receive a $100 discount off of the “early bird” registration cost ($395), reducing the cost of registration for presenters to just $295. Please note: Alabama residents and ARCH paid members, whether or not they are presenters, are already entitled to a discounted registration rate of $295. Only one discount per registrant will be permitted.

An approved presenter’s registration must be completed and paid for by January 15, 2025 for the presenter’s session to be included in the conference. The registration fee will not be waived for presenters. In addition, hotel, travel, per diem, and other associated costs are the responsibility of each presenter.

Dates to Remember

  • Abstract Submission Deadline:

October 7, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET

  • Presenter Notification:

December 1, 2024

  • Presenter Registration Payment Due:

January 15, 2025

  • Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium (by invitation only):

April 1, 2025

  • Opening Conference Reception:

Evening of April 1, 2025

  • National Lifespan Respite Conference:

April 1-3, 2025

Questions?   Please contact Tracy Cieniewicz at Alabama Lifespan Respite or Jill Kagan with ARCH.