Partnership Prospectus
The National Lifespan Respite Conference (NLRC), hosted by the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center (ARCH), and Alabama Lifespan Respite - a program of UCP Huntsville - will be held at the Westin Huntsville in Huntsville, AL, on April 1-3, 2025.
The theme for the conference, RAISE and Engage – Launch Respite Now!, is not only a nod to the incredible history of the space industry in Huntsville, also known as Rocket City USA, but is also a call to action. RAISE and Engage challenges all to learn more about the Research, Advocacy, Innovation, Services and Supports, and Education efforts that connect respite programs and public and private initiatives to better support family caregivers.
The 2025 conference builds upon the 2022 release of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers by the Administration for Community Living. The report includes nearly 500 actions that can be adopted at every level of government and across the public and private sectors, including actions that each of us can take, to advance supports to strengthen the nation’s more than 53 million family caregivers.
Previous National Lifespan Respite Conferences have been very successful, and we expect no less from the 2025 conference in Huntsville! The conference will offer valuable, up-to-date information for families, professionals and interested agencies and organizations on respite and caregiver supports. Keynote speakers and breakout sessions will offer a multitude of opportunities to Launch Respite Now!
View and Download Prospectus and Forms
Choose from six partnership levels or support a family caregiver or a person with a disability to attend!
Who Will Be There?
Why be a Conference Partner?
We expect more than 250 conference participants from across the United States and Canada. Attendees are expected to include family caregivers and family members who care for individuals across all ages, and the village of professionals and volunteers who support them.
Participants will include persons with disabilities and older adults, parents, grandparents, guardians, respite providers, home care agency staff, social workers, case managers, care coordinators, Information and referral services staff, program managers, nurses, advocates, direct support workers, employers, researchers, teachers, leaders of faith-based organizations, national and state policy makers, national and state disability, aging, and caregiving organization leaders, and community and business leaders who influence and shape the role of respite in the support network.
The multiple and varied conference partnerships and exhibitor opportunities will provide you and your organization the ability to:
I. Reach hundreds of diverse conference participants from across the U.S. and Canada.
II. Engage with leaders in the public and private sectors who are actively involved in the issues of family caregiving, family support, respite, home- and community-based care, and other long-term services and supports.
III. Boost your visibility in this market through a conference partnership that provides unique prospects to network, brand, market and advertise.
IV. Demonstrate your commitment to serving family caregivers, who are the backbone of the nation’s long-term services and supports system, and their local communities and networks of support.
V. Experience Multiple Conference Benefits. Depending on the level of partnership, perks include free registration, exhibit tables, and optimal ad placements in the conference program and Whova app!
Partnership Options
DEADLINES: Partnership/donor commitment deadline – December 1, 2024. All partnerships are payable no later than February 1, 2025.
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