Loving Hands New Logo

Greenville, Pennsylvania

Rising Star:

Loving HANDS is a faith-based program with a monthly family-night-off for caregivers of children with special needs as its centerpiece. Relationships across individuals, families, the local faith community, schools, and service organizations in the community have developed and been strengthened through the family night-out. Those relationships have led to increased levels of inclusion in the community. Although there are no expectations that participating families attend the sponsoring church, attendance of special-needs families has increased. Volunteers ensure that accommodations are made during church services so no person will be excluded. Volunteers at Loving Hands come from other churches, schools, community organizations, and community members at large. Intentionally, and in some cases unexpectedly, long-term relationships have been formed between families with individuals with special needs and the Loving Hands volunteers. This has led to a more inclusive community. Loving Hands has been replicated at eight locations in other states.  Learn more about this Rising Star service at their website.

Programs are reviewed every three years to assess their status. Following their review, recognition of Bethel Life Loving Hands as a Rising Star was extended to January 1, 2027.