ChildServe Respite
Johnston, Iowa
Innovative and Exemplary:
The needs and priorities of Iowa’s caregivers and their children are foremost in the development of respite options offered by ChildServe. Caregivers with children birth to 25 years with a wide range of needs, including complex medical, autism, behavioral, and physical disabilities, can receive planned and emergency respite through ChildServe. The respite can be in-home, center-based, community-based, or at summer camp according to the families’ requirements. Their person-and family-centered approach is unquestionable. The respite providers, including licensed and degreed medical staff, are carefully screened and trained. Recognizing that some caregivers and their children feel more comfortable in the care of someone they are familiar with, provided they meet strict screening guidelines, ChildServe will hire and train providers identified by the caregivers. ChildServe helps parents access funds to pay for the respite through home and community service waivers, but no one is turned away due to inability to pay. ChildServe collects outcome data and has implementation guidelines that can be used for replication. Learn more about their outcomes, service model, and implementation procedures on their website.
Programs are reviewed every three years to assess continued status as Innovative and Exemplary. Following their review, recognition of ChildServe Respite as Innovative and Exemplary was extended to January 1, 2027.
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