Crisis Nursery
Urbana, Illinois
Innovative and Exemplary:
TheĀ Crisis NurseryĀ in Urbana, Illinois has provided emergency crisis respite care to children birth to six-years-of-age for 37 years. Based on best practice research and observed need, the Crisis Nursery began offering planned respite to further support family caregivers. The Crisis Nursery works to reduce caregiver stress and risk of child maltreatment, and to improve parenting skills directly related to parent-directed goals. Using a case management model and wrap around services, respite is one of a number of supports offered to parents in addition to home visits, parent education and parent support groups. To reach diverse populations, the Crisis Nursery actively hires employees with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and holds quarterly outreach events to encourage families, community members and agencies to learn about the program at a time when crises are not occurring. Client materials are available in English, Spanish, French and Mandarin, and the programā€™s website is accessible in any language. The Crisis Nursery board and leadership team engage in an ongoing strategic planning process, and routine data-based program monitoring. These efforts, along with diversified funding and ongoing development and fundraising help to strengthen fidelity to the mission, and ensure sustainability into the future. To learn more about theĀ Crisis Nursery, you may visit theirĀ website.
Crisis Nursery was recognized as Innovative and Exemplary in 2021.
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