Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada’s Community Care Program
Reno, NV
Innovative and Exemplary (2025):
Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada’s Community Care Program, serving 12 counties in Northern Nevada, was established five years ago. Guided by a human-centered design approach for creating a community village model, this program serves more than 170 adults over the age of 18 who have conditions related to aging and disability, including intellectual disabilities and dementia. The program model includes five or more hours of respite care weekly, in the home and community, at no cost to families, provided by trained Community Care Partners. Case management is provided using person-centered planning that supports the development of trusting caregiver-program relationships, allows programs to understand and configure services according to individual family needs, and provides time for caregivers to identify as caregivers and understand how respite may benefit them and their families. Care recipients receive services that are individually tailored, matching their preferences and needs, and are experienced as meaningful to them. Services include social and recreational opportunities, personal care, and transportation. Workforce recruitment and retention, including tribal and bilingual partners, are program priorities and are supported through competitive wages, flexible scheduling, and benefits including health insurance, gas stipends, and retirement investment.
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