OK ABLE Tech: Respite Kits Program
Stillwater, OK
Rising Star (2025):
OK ABLE Tech: Respite Kits Program at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma works with Oklahoma Human Services and with the Oklahoma Lifespan Respite Care Program to provide Respite Kits containing assistive technology (AT). AT Respite Kits are designed to provide short-term respite by supporting caregiversā€™ and care recipientsā€™ needs and preferences in three areas: Sensory, Daily Living, and Safety. The AT Respite Kits were designed for caregivers to have an increased opportunity to take breaks, engage in self-care, and pursue other interests. AT kits are loaned out on a short-term basis for approximately two months with individual consultation offered to families by Oklahoma ABLE Tech staff. Once a loan is complete, respite kits are returned and loaned to other caregivers in need. In addition to individual consultations, ABLE Tech offers public awareness, education and training, online resources, community outreach, and newsletters and social media to inform and support family caregivers and organizations that serve them. Each year, Oklahoma ABLE Tech reaches thousands of individuals in the community with disabilities or limited mobility in Oklahoma to perform tasks independently, reducing the amount of assistance they receive from caregivers. Last year alone, ABLE Tech provided a short-term loan of assistive technology to 615 family members, guardians, or authorized representatives in the community setting.
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