Pause for Parents, Play for Kids
Liberty Twp., OH
Innovative and Exemplary (2025):
Pause for Parents, Play for Kids, located in Liberty Township, Ohio, was established ten years ago in response to local planning data showing that 100% of parents of children with disabilities in the community reported feeling isolated with a decreased support system. This center-based, drop-off respite model was piloted in a church setting and has grown to serve 1700 children and caregivers, fostering caregivers’ resilience, physical and mental health, positive social connections and a sense of belonging, and joy while making sure their children receive developmentally appropriate and trauma informed individualized program curriculum. Sibling workshops are offered by the program, and although the program is not religiously based overall, an in-church ministry service works to make Sunday School meaningful to children with developmental and learning differences while their caregivers attend worship services. The program created a comprehensive and user-friendly program manual that, as of December 2024, is being used to support replication at a second program site. Training activities to support the 600 active volunteers working in this program are comprehensive and thoughtful, and are seen as essential to the program’s mission.
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