Comprehensive Support for Family Caregivers of Post-9/11 Veterans Increases Veteran Utilization of Long-term Services and Supports: A Propensity Score Analysis

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Study Aim/Purpose: This study examined trends in the use of VA-purchased long-term services and supports (LTSS) to determine whether there is an association between participation in the Veterans’ Administration (VA)’s…

Effects of Respite care training on respite provider knowledge and confidence and outcomes for family caregivers receiving respite services

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Study Aim/Purpose: This article presents the results from a large nationwide evaluation of the Respite Education and Support Tools (REST) respite provider training program.  Summary of Methods: The first component…

Respite care as a community care service: Factors associated with the effects on family carers of adults with intellectual disability in Taiwan

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Study Aim/Purpose: The study aims to describe the use of publicly funded respite care in Taiwan and caregivers’ satisfaction with those services. The study’s purpose was also to measure the…

Caregiving to older adults: Determinants of informal caregivers’ subjective well-being and formal and informal support as alleviating conditions

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Study Aim/Purpose: This study investigated the association between caregivers’ subjective well-being and the health status of their care-receiver, hours of informal caregiving they provide, and the reported burden of caregiving.…

The impact of respite programming on caregiver resilience in dementia care: a qualitative examination of family caregiver perspectives.

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Study Aim/Purpose: The three main study research questions were: (1) What was the determining factor in the transition to the role of family caregiver?; (2) In what ways do awareness…

Modeling cortisol daily rhythms of family caregivers of individuals with dementia: Daily stressors and adult day services use

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Study Aim/Purpose: This study examined associations between the timing of adult day service (ADS) use and the trajectory of daily cortisol levels as a biomarker for stress among caregivers of…

The Going to Stay at Home program: combining dementia caregiver training and residential respite care

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Study Aim/Purpose: This Australian study examined the effects of a short term residential caregiver education and respite program called the Going to Stay at Home (GTSAH) program. GTSAH was provided…

Comparison of African American and Caucasian caregiver self-efficacy

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Study Aim/Purpose: This study examined the self-efficacy impacts of an intervention targeted to caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s diseases, with a specific focus on differences in effects on African American…