Caregiver Nation Summit Provides an Opportunity for Collective Action to Support Family Caregivers

Legislative Alert

Protecting and advancing proven federal programs that support family caregivers are more important than ever. The National Alliance for Caregiving and their partners, with support from the John A. Hartford Foundation and many others, are convening the Caregiver Nation Summit in Washington, DC, on Nov 20 & 21.

This is more than just a conference. It’s an opportunity to make your voices heard alongside other caregiving champions from across the country. On Nov 21, Caregiver Nation Advocacy Day, those in attendance will have the opportunity to visit Members of Congress to speak up on behalf of critically important federal programs, including Medicare and the Older Americans Act.

This day of organized national and state advocacy will have a powerful impact. The National Respite Coalition is urging attendees to speak up on behalf of the Lifespan Respite Care Program as well. The Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act (S. 4325) is pending right now in the U.S. Senate. Immediate passage of S. 4325 will ensure that the program will continue through FY 2029, and for the first time in federal policy, would extend eligibility for caregiving youth to receive respite services.

Your strong collective voices will help bring the bill to the Senate floor for a vote during the lame duck session. When you visit with your Representative and Senators (and their staff), please share the Fact Sheet on Lifespan Respite Reauthorization, and the House and Senate letters signed by 37 national organizations expressing steadfast support for S. 4325 and for its swift passage and reconciliation with the House-passed bill. The Lifespan Respite Network, and the family caregivers they serve, are counting on you.

But even if you are not able to attend the Summit in person, your voice is needed!


CONTACT your Senators TODAY and urge them to bring S. 4325 to the floor of the Senate immediately for a vote.

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Senator’s office. When connected ask for health or disability staff. If you don’t reach them, leave a message!

Message: Bring the bipartisan Senate Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization bill (S. 4325) to the Senate floor during the lame duck session and then vote for passage. The Lifespan Respite Care Program perfectly aligns with the goals of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, calling for a range of respite options to allow family caregivers to obtain respite services that meet their unique needs. The Senate bill is the only version of the reauthorization bill that covers caregiving youth. Support for caregiving youth can allow them to remain in school, and to become healthy and productive adults.

Make it Personal. Share your personal respite story about why respite is important to you or why more respite is needed in your state.

Phone calls or personal visits are best. For contact information or if you prefer to send an email or fax to your Senator, find their contact information here.

More about the bill:

The Senate bill was introduced by Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI). The bill reauthorizes the program for another five years for $50 million ($10 million annually through FY 2029).

At the urging of the National Respite Coalition, the bill also modifies the definition of family caregiver to extend eligibility for services under the Lifespan Respite Care Program to caregiving youth. It is a very simple change, but it represents a significant advancement in policy, as it would be the first time that young caregivers were recognized in federal statute.

More than 5 million children under the age of 18 are providing significant caregiving to their parents or siblings with disabilities or chronic conditions or to their aging grandparents. The Elizabeth Dole Foundation has also helped to shed light on the significant numbers of young children who provide caregiving assistance in military families. This change in the law will finally allow them to receive the respite break they deserve and need, allow them to remain in school, and to become healthy and productive adults.

The House version of the Lifespan Respite Reauthorization bill (HR 6160), introduced by Rep Marcus Molinaro (R-NY) and Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-CA) passed the House on Sept 17, under suspension of the rules. The House bill extends the program at current authorization levels through FY 2029, but does not include the change in the definition of family caregiver to extend program eligibility to caregiving youth. The National Respite was joined by 36 national organizations to express gratitude for an extension of the program for another five years. However, we are supporting S. 4325, which is the only version of the bill that extends eligibility for respite care services and supports under the program to caregiving youth.

Fact Sheet on the Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act

House letter and Senate letter signed by 37 national organizations expressing steadfast support for S 4325 and urging swift passage in the Senate and reconciliation with the House bill.

Please pick up the phone and call today.
Then circulate this alert to your networks and colleagues.