How to Choose a Respite Provider

Respite is a service that provides a break for the family caregiver from the continuuos responsisbilities of caregiving. Knowing how to best find, assess and select a respite service or provider is important to help ensure the safety and quality of respite care.
Below is helpful information about how to choose a respite provider. A variety of consumer guides, workbooks, and checklists are included to help you sort out the myriad of options you may have in your community, and in some instances, offer guidance so you can train the respite provider yourself.
You can also find additional information in Nine Steps to Respite for Family Caregivers. ARCH also provides National Respite Guidelines that may help you learn what to look for in a high quality respite setting. The ABCs of Respite - A Consumer Guide for Family Caregivers includes everything you need to know about types of respite care, how to find and choose a provider, and how to pay for respite.
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