National Respite Locator Service

ARCH does not provide respite care, but we may be able to help you find it in your local community through your State Respite Coalition or Lifespan Respite Program or through resources listed below, including State Provider Registries or the Eldercare Locator.

If you cannot find respite through the resources listed above, we also maintain the National Respite Locator Service (NRLS), which helps parents, family caregivers, and professionals find respite services in their state and local area to match their specific needs. The NRLS lists primarily home care agencies, assisted living, or state or community-based agencies that provide respite care. If you find that a listing is out of date or no longer providing respite care, please contact ARCH.

If you have a respite program or service you would like to list on the NRLS, please visit the respite provider portal.

State Respite Coalition or Lifespan Respite Program

If your state has a State Respite Coalition or Lifespan Respite Care Program, be sure to contact them first for information about respite providers or ways to pay for respite.

Contact Information

Search for Respite on the National Respite Locator

For Family Caregivers.....

Important Resources for Finding Respite Care

Please Note: The National Respite Locator database is not a complete list of all the respite programs that exist. If you fail to find a program near you on our list or need more information, you should check with your State Lifespan Respite Program or State Respite Coalition, an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), or an Aging and Disability Resource Center/No Wrong Door (ADRC). The Eldercare Locator provides contact information for Area Agencies on Aging and  ADRCs.  There are many other resources listed below.

See also How to Pay for Respite Services.