Central Minnesota Elder Network, Respite Care Program
This program was archived in 2023. They did not respond to request for information during their three-year review.
Central Minnesota Elder Network, Respite Care Program, a rural program, has been in existence for 15 years with the overriding goal of providing caregiver support while enriching the lives of care receivers. Their program offers three respite services: In-Home Respite, The Gathering, and ongoing Caregiver Coaching. Their in-home respite program provides professionally trained volunteers who provide respite one day a week for up to four hours. The volunteers provide socialization, safety, and security for adults who are unable to be left alone. Additionally, twice a month they provide an out-of-home respite activity program, The Gathering, now known as The Coffee Break, which provides socialization, friendship and fun for care receivers. The Coffee Break is coordinated by an RN and staffed by the Program Coordinator and trained volunteers at a 1:1 to 1:2 staff to client ratio. The third respite program is Caregiver Coach which provides reassurance, resources, education and support from admission and beyond discharge to assist in the care giving journey and grieving process. Coaches have gone through a rigorous training program. The Coaching Program is offered to all caregivers who receive the respite services. Visit their website.
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