House and Senate Bipartisan Agreement on Continuing Resolution includes Lifespan Respite Care and Older Americans Act Reauthorizations!

Legislative Alert

Action needed today to get it over the finish line!

Last night, bipartisan House and Senate leadership released final legislative language for the must-pass Continuing Resolution. The National Respite Coalition is thrilled to report that the Senate Lifespan Respite Reauthorization language that extends the program for five years through FY 2029 and expands eligibility to young caregivers is included in the bill! Most notable is that, for the first time, young caregivers will be recognized in federal statute.

In addition, the Older Americans Act Reauthorization and the extension of the RAISE Family Caregivers Act are included as well!!

Your unwavering advocacy has been key to getting support for family caregivers this far! There is still much work to do to get this over the finish line. Please continue to urge your Representative and Senators to pass the final bill and send it to the President before they leave for the holiday recess!!

Conservative blowback is already threatening to derail this effort and it is critical that your voices be heard!


CONTACT your Representatives and Senators TODAY and urge them to pass the bipartisan Continuing Resolution immediately!

Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Senator’s or Representative’s office. When connected ask for health or disability staff. If you don’t reach them, leave a message!

Post on social media and tag house and Senate leadership: @SpeakerJohnson @RepJeffries @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell.


  • Pass the bipartisan year-end funding package immediately and express support for the nation’s family caregivers caring for people across the lifespan. @SpeakerJohnson @RepJeffries @SenSchumer @LeaderMcConnell made sure to include extensions of the Lifespan Respite Care Program, the Older Americans Act programs, and the RAISE Family Caregivers Act in the final package.
  • The Lifespan Respite Care Program perfectly aligns with the goals of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, calling for a range of respite options and an emphasis on respite to allow family caregivers to obtain respite services that meet their unique needs. Ensure the program is extended by passing the Continuing Resolution!

Make it Personal. Share your personal respite story about why respite is important to you or why more respite is needed in your state.

For contact information, find Senators’ contact information here and House members’ contact information here.

Fact Sheet on the Lifespan Respite Care Reauthorization Act

Please pick up the phone and call today. Post on social media and tag House and Senate leadership.
Circulate this alert to your networks and colleagues.