Sustainability Planning Learning Collaborative Meeting

August 23, 2024
Sustainability 101: How to Build Sustainable Respite Services and Systems

Learning Collaborative participants reviewed the basic concepts for sustainability planning. The meeting focused on the challenges and strategies of sustainability planning for lifespan respite systems. Susan Summers from ARCH highlighted the importance of a comprehensive sustainability plan, including leadership, mentorship, planning, diversifying funding, and advocacy, and states shared with experiences.

They also discussed plans to hold a webinar series in the current project year. The purpose of the proposed three-part Sustainability webinar series is to present:

  • an understandable and usable framework for grantees, especially new grantees, to engage in sustainability planning,
  • a demystification of sustainability concepts and planning, and
  • practical help and shared experiences for state grantees, partners, and   programs.

This meeting was not recorded.
