Sustainability Planning Learning Collaborative Meeting

January 28, 2022

Introducing a Framework for Understanding Sustainability Planning

Susan Summers, ARCH LC collaborative facilitator, introduced a draft of a framework for understanding Sustainability Planning and how to access resources, knowledge and experience that have been garnered by this Learning Collaborative, the other Lifespan Respite grantees and partners, and ARCH. This draft document Standards, Guidelines, and Measures for Building Strong and Sustainable Lifespan Respite Program and Systems  organizes resources into five areas key to successful sustainability:

  • Leadership
  • Collaborative Partnerships
  • Collaborative Planning
  • Diversification of Resources
  • Advocacy

As Susan continues to develop the matrix, it will be shared for group input.

States then provided their monthly check ins, including how they are accessing new financial resources through legislative avenues and partnerships with new agencies like Medicaid.