Respite Voucher Learning Collaborative Meeting
Respite Vouchers 101: Getting Back to Basics
This topic should be especially useful to states that are still new to, or considering starting, respite voucher programs. State presenters will focus on step-by-step guidance on how to start up a voucher program, and how to identify and avoid pitfalls along the way.
- Jack Read, Tennessee Caregiver Coalition, Nashville, TN
- Amanda Swanger, MA, North Carolina Lifespan Respite Project, Division of Aging, NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), Raleigh, NC
- Tammy Nelson, Aging Services Coordinator, and Zack Green, Area Agency on Aging Director, High Country Area Agency on Aging, Boone, NC
Making Respite Time More Effective (in English and Spanish)
The North Carolina Lifespan Respite Project and the High Country Area Agency on Aging developed this planning tool for family caregivers to help them use their respite time most effectively. To learn more about the importance of planning for respite, watch the webinar, Making Respite More Effective.
NCDHHS Division of Aging Caregiver Supports: Decision Tree for determination of best program for caregiver referral.
Self-Directed Respite Voucher Guide
Guide includes: overview materials on self-direction; in-depth case studies of respite voucher programs in three states that currently implement different models of self-directed respite voucher systems; important tax and financial information; labor department regulations; and resources for additional materials.
Self-Assessment Readiness Review for Self-Directed Respite Voucher Programs
A tool for any state or local program considering starting, expanding or enhancing a respite voucher program to conduct an internal assessment of agency readiness.
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