Respite Voucher Learning Collaborative Meeting

June 13, 2024
Ask the Experts! Office Hours and Discussion with Experienced Mentors.

Experienced Respite Voucher Learning Collaborative members from the Lifespan Respite network gathered with newer members and grantees to share respite voucher program start up, implementation, statewide coordination, and community engagement techniques, tools and strategies.

ARCH is grateful to the network leaders who  participated and helped lead the very engaging discussion with newer members:

  • Stephanie Red Elk, Sooner Success, OK Lifespan Respite Program
  • Rebecca Hyde, NY State Caregiving and Respite Coalition
  • Barb Koumjian, Lifespan Respite Washington
  • Hanna Quiring, NE Lifespan Respite Network

Resources and Shared Links:

Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network (6 regional offices, each with a respite coordinator)

Nebraska Respite Data Dashboard (recognized by NASHP as a best practice)

Emergency Respite Voucher State examples of guidance and tools

Respite Voucher Resources on the ARCH Website

  1. Overview of Respite Voucher Programs
  2. Self-Directed Respite Voucher Guide – detailed manual on how to startup, implement and sustain a respite voucher program with state case studies.
  3. Self-Assessment Readiness Review for Self-Directed Respite Voucher Programs – Review all the components that you might want to address as you plan, build or grow your voucher respite program.
  4. US Map of State Voucher Program Contacts
  5. State Respite Voucher Tools and State Respite Voucher Guidance for program replication.
  6. 2021 Lifespan Respite Voucher Survey Findings

Lifespan Respite 101

Do you want to better understand the overall intent of the Lifespan Respite Care Program and its goal of implementing statewide coordination of respite services to help family caregivers get what they want and need? Check out ARCH’s Lifespan Respite 101 resources, including an Orientation Guide that will guide you to additional resources on the ARCH website.