Volunteer and Faith-Based Respite Learning Collaborative Meeting

November 10, 2022

Step-by-Step Guide to Mini grants for Volunteer and Faith-based Respite

This meeting focused on the mechanics of planning for and administering a mini grant program to build capacity of community and faith-based organizations to provide volunteer respite.

Members of the Lifespan Respite Network, Deana Prest, New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and Kathy Mayfield Smith with the South Carolina Respite Coalition presented and shared the administrative steps necessary to plan and implement a successful mini grant program and lessons learned.

Issues addressed: 1) how to assess what is needed in the state; 2) how to write an RFP and what should be included; 3) how to decide on optimum funding levels; 3) setting grantee requirements, such as volunteer training, matching volunteers to families, data reporting, sustainability plans, etc.; 4) types of organizations best suited to implementing a mini grant and selection criteria; and 5) the amount and type of technical assistance that is necessary to keep the programs up and running and help them sustain once the grant funding has ended.

Shared Tools

Samples from South Carolina’s Alzheimer’s Resources Coordinating Council (ARCC) mini grant program and modified versions used by South Carolina for the Breakroom mini-grants: