Sustainability Planning Learning Collaborative Meeting
Contributions of time, talent and treasure in sustaining Lifespan Respite
During this Learning Collaborative meeting, states checked in and Susan Summers shared a resource on contributions of time, talent and treasure in sustaining Lifespan Respite.
As a regular part of collective lifespan respite work, coalition and planning partners generously contribute time, talent and treasure to support lifespan respite. By articulating our appreciation through our speech and in writing, our partners more clearly understand why they are involved, why their involvement is important, and how much we value their contributions. State coalition or planning groups may include the information in the resource included below (as a starting point) in orientation meetings and materials; on websites when appropriate; in planning and sustainability documents; and in private and public acknowledgment of the many contributions our coalition and planning partners make. Intentionally supporting these commitments supports sustainability.
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