Sustainability Planning Learning Collaborative Meeting

September 24, 2021

Systems and Sustainability

Susan Summers, ARCH Sustainability Planning Learning Collaborative facilitator, shared slides on definition of sustainable systems and respite systems, and how to build sustainability respite systems.

Resources mentioned during the meeting when states presented their check ins:

  1. TCare is a proprietary caregiver assessment tool discussed on the call by Deana Prest, NY, and Marilyn Sword, ID. Read more on the TCare website.  From this site you can download a case study of the use of T-Care in Washington State. I also attached a study from WA on the cost benefits of T-Care and information about it from ACL.
  2. Partners in Policy Making Free Online Advocacy Training – “Partners in Policymaking focuses on helping people with developmental disabilities and their supporters to build positive, personal relationships with policymakers and become partners in the policymaking process to change the system that supports – and sometimes restricts – the lives of people with developmental disabilities.”  The last module focuses on how to participate in the policy making process.  Visit the website.