National Strategy Implementation Learning Collaborative Meeting

September 5, 2024
Assessing Progress and Developing Recommendations for the National Strategy

This meeting of the ARCH National Strategy Learning Collaborative will focus on our respite recommendations to inform the next version of the National Strategy, and the ARCH report on the National Strategy Learning Collaborative. It will be the last regularly scheduled meeting for the group.

As a part of the final report that we will be sharing with ACL, the discussion will focus on recommendations from Learning Collaborative participants to improve respite based on the work of the Lifespan Respite Network, and the lessons learned in the Learning Collaborative. This LC session is an opportunity to introduce or emphasize National Strategy goals and objectives that Lifespan Respite grantees and partners would like to see reflected in the future work and priorities that ACL councils will champion. It will also provide some time to reflect on states’ experiences and activities, identify gaps in respite care and support for family caregivers, and suggest areas for improvement. The ARCH report on the National Strategy Learning Collaborative can then lend support to ideas and strategies that will improve future outcomes under the National Strategy plan.

Thank you so much for participating in the National Strategy Learning Collaborative! If you need a reminder about any of the meetings and their speakers/topics, please visit the National Strategy Learning Collaborative webpage where you can find recordings and resources from past meetings.

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