A Voice for Alabama Caregivers
A report for public policy makers presented by the Alabama Caregiver Task Force.
SJR-73 charged the Alabama Caregiver Task Force to study the issues of caregiving in Alabama and to identify policies, resources, and programs available for family caregivers. This task force was encouraged to suggest innovative and creative means to support family caregivers to assist them in providing the needed in-home support for care recipients. Findings were presented in the final report, A Voice for Alabama Caregivers.
The report was updated in 2021 as A Voice That Matters: The Impact of Family Caregiving in Alabama. Co-presented by the Alabama Lifespan Respite Coalition, Alabama Department of Senior Services, and Alabama Lifespan Respite, and sponsored by the Administration for Community Living, the A Voice That Matters: The Impact of Family Caregiving in Alabama (Volume II) whitepaper identifies challenges for caregivers with clear action to address caregiver needs.
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