Caregivers in Idaho
A Report from the Idaho Caregiver Task Force and the Idaho Caregiver Alliance, December, 2015
Supported with funds from AARP-Idaho and the Idaho Caregiver Alliance (sponsored by the Idaho Commission on Aging Lifespan Respite Grant)
During the 2015 Idaho Legislative Session, HCR 24 was passed, calling for the formation of a Task Force to study the problems facing family caregivers of individuals across the lifespan, identify the supports available in Idaho, research best practice in other states, and to make recommendations for action in Idaho to support this growing, unpaid, caregiver workforce. The Idaho Family Caregiver Alliance was established through a 3-year Lifespan Respite Grant to the Idaho Commission on Aging from the Administration on Community Living (ACL). They helped the develop the Task Force’s final report, Caregivers in Idaho.
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