Colorado Respite Care Task Force 2016 Report to:

Members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee
Colorado General Assembly
Members of The House Public Health Care And Human Services Committee
Colorado General Assembly

In accordance with HB 15-1233: Concerning the Creation of a Respite Care Task Force

This work represents the long-term view of Colorado’s needs for respite care. The Task Force recognizes that additional funding will be needed to implement many of the recommendations in this report. Despite the current State fiscal constraints, we feel it is important to plan for Colorado’s future. As a Task Force, we represent a diverse group of stakeholders who, using a collaborative process, have developed a shared vision for respite care in Colorado and a consensus set of recommendations. This same type of collaboration among respite care providers, community non-profits, federal and state agencies, foundations and other stakeholders will be key to securing the funding to implement our recommendations.


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