RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council Final Recommendations
On November 18, 2020, the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council adopted twenty-six recommendations aimed at establishing a national approach to addressing the needs of family caregivers of all ages and circumstance. The following recommendations grew out of months of discussion, examination of relevant data and information and the input of family caregivers and stakeholders alike. They address critical priority areas including awareness and outreach to family caregivers and their engagement as key partners in healthcare delivery and long-term services and supports; strengthening community-based supports for family caregivers; ensuring workplace and financial security for family caregivers; and greater focus on data, research and the development of evidence-informed supports for family caregivers.
These recommendations will be included in the Council’s initial Report to Congress in 2021 and serve as the foundation for the National Family Caregiving Strategy that will begin development next year. The Strategy will outline critical actions that can be taken at the federal, state levels, by local communities as well as health, long-term services providers and others to better support family caregivers in ways that reflect their diverse needs. The Strategy will focus on areas such as person and family-centered care; assessment and service planning; information, education and training supports; respite options; and financial and workplace security issues. The Strategy will provide a roadmap for the nation to strengthen its support and recognition of the critical role family caregivers’ play in our healthcare and long-term support systems.
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