Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite (Part 2)

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Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite (Part 2), March 11, 2015

Call Description

Several grantees and partners described the basic considerations for developing a respite voucher program and the mechanics of implementation. They addressed the following issues:

  • the process for developing the materials, including the application
  • overcoming tax, legal and liability considerations
  • deciding how much the voucher would be and why
  • eligibility criteria for caregivers and providers
  • outreach
  • process for accepting and reviewing applications
  • payment process and considerations for reimbursement 
  • Linda Porter, Lifespan Respite Washington and Hilarie Hauptman, WA Aging and Disability Services Administration
  • Alicia Blater, NC Lifespan Respite Project, Division of Aging and Adult Services and Dawn Gartman, NC Respite Care Coalition
  • Susan Robinson, SC Respite Coalition
  • David Besst, AZ Lifespan Respite, Division of Aging and Adult Services 
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