Getting Started: A Sustainability Self-Assessment

Getting Started: A Sustainability Self-Assessment
Sustaining initiatives such as Lifespan Respite programs, coalitions or networks depends on developing a clear, sensible, and convincing plan for marshalling the key resources that are necessary to continue (and often to expand) your work. However, in order to develop a sustainability plan detailing where you want to go, a necessary first step is to take stock of where you currently are.

The Uses of the Self-Assessment Process
This tool is intended to help leaders who are working to sustain respite services to assess their progress and identify areas that need extra attention, resources, or technical assistance. This diagnostic process can provide valuable information to guide the development of your sustainability plan, for example, to capitalize on the assets in your community, as well as to plan for the development of additional capacity in areas that need strengthening. This tool can also help you make decisions about how to target scarce resources to move toward sustainability. This tool is part of The Finance Project’s Sustainability Planning Workbook, a comprehensive toolkit for developing a sustainability plan.

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