National/State Partnership to Launch a New Respite Provider Recruitment and Training Initiative
August 16, 2022
Video Presentation at the Home and Community-Based Services Conference, August 2022
With support from the Administration for Community Living, the National Academy for State Health Policy joined forces with the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center and the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin to develop and field test a competency-based online respite provider training, recruitment, and retention initiative to better meet the respite needs of families caring for individuals of any age or condition. Eleven statewide pilot sites are participating in the year-long field test.
Presenters describe the method used for core competency development; the training curriculum; and the respite provider recruitment campaign. The field test evaluator from Marquette University will describe the evaluation plan and provide preliminary results. The lead from one of the pilot sites at the Lifespan Respite Care Program at the Oklahoma Department of Human Services will share the importance and status of the pilot in Oklahoma. The Respite Care Association of Wisconsin, which is a partner in the Wisconsin Lifespan Respite Program, will also describe their role as a pilot site and the progress that has been achieved to date in recruiting and training new providers in Wisconsin.
Session participants will gain an understanding of the importance and need to build a respite provider workforce in their states, especially in light of the impact of the COVID-19 on the workforce, and learn about a strategy that is being tested to address the provider crisis and improve access to respite care for family caregivers.
Kimberly Hodges, National Academy for State Health Policy
Jill Kagan, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Lisa Schneider, Respite Care Association of Wisconsin
Nadine Walter, Oklahoma Department of Human Services
Kim Whitmore, Marquette University College of Nursing
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