Idaho Caregiver Needs and Respite Capacity Report

Prepared for the Idaho Caregiver Alliance in 2014

In 2014 the Idaho Caregiver Alliance (ICA) conducted a statewide assessment to describe the demographic characteristics and needs of primary caregivers and identify available respite
services. The assessment provides a snapshot of caregivers and the individuals they care for, experiences associated with caregiving, and what role respite support may play in the lives of caregivers. This information will be used to identify priority needs and as a baseline for planning and evaluation. The caregiver assessment findings reported in this document are based on a web-based survey distributed to primary caregivers through email distribution lists and web-sites maintained by organizations providing services to caregivers and/or recipients of care. In addition, the survey and/or postcards announcing the survey were distributed at events designed for caregivers, individuals receiving care, and/or representatives from organizations who may have contact with caregivers. The capacity assessment of available respite providers was conducted using a mixed methods strategy of a review of online resources and solicitation of information about resources from key informant agencies. The findings were organized by region of the State and coded by whether the provider was listed in the Idaho 2-1-1 Careline database and the availability of respite services.

Executive Summary

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