LifeCourse Respite Tool – Integrated Respite Schedule

LifeCourse Respite Tool – Integrated Respite Schedule

You and your loved one have worked hard to make plans for successful respite and identify resources that can help you reach your vision of good respite. The schedule can help you see the need to take a break as well as find time to incorporate respite into your life. Fill out your own schedule as it is now so you have a good visual of when you are providing care and when you are meeting other life obligations. The schedule can also help you see how and when your loved one is supported by yourself and others, and find windows of time when it might make sense for you to create respite opportunities.

Charting the LifeCourse Nexus housed at the at the University of Missouriā€“Kansas City Institute for Human Development, in collaboration with the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, developed Charting the LifeCourse Respite materials and tools.


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