Using the Finance Project Sustainability Tools

June 8, 2017

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Learning Collaborative leaders from the Exemplar States* who participated in the  ARCH Sustainability TA Project shared their experiences in using the Finance Project Toolkit and provided an introduction to Logic Modeling and Sustainability Planning.

State Case Study Presentations

  • NEBRASKA, Sharon Johnson, Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network
  • PENNSYLVANIA, MaryJo Alimena Caruso, Pennsylvania Respite Coalition
  • MASSACHUSETTS, Amy Nazaire, MA Lifespan Respite Coalition

*Exemplar State Sustainability Planning Teams

In 2014, ARCH, working in collaboration with The Finance Project, selected eight states to receive individualized technical assistance to utilize the Finance Project’s Sustainability Toolkit to develop a comprehensive sustainability plan for their state’s Lifespan Respite activities. The 8 states were: Alabama, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Each state convened a sustainability planning team and received email and phone consultation as they proceeded step-by-step through the Sustainability Workbook Modules and shared their experiences.

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