Michigan Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waivers
Home and Community-Based 1915(c) Waivers for Respite Support and concurrent Managed Care 1915(b) waivers
Medicaid is a program in every state that pays for medical assistance for certain individuals and families with low incomes and resources. It is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for America’s poorest people. Because Medicaid is funded jointly by the federal and state governments, the services paid for vary from state to state. In addition to medical services, Medicaid will pay for home and community-based services (HCBS) through the state plan as well as through Medicaid waivers that offer services as a lower-cost alternative to treatment in a medical or long-term care facility, such as a nursing home. Respite usually is paid for through one or more of the following types of waivers: research and demonstration (1115), managed care (1915b) and HCBS (1915c) waiver programs.
Michigan is currently transitioning the Michigan Medicaid program to operate their managed care authority under the 1115 Pathways to Integration demonstration waiver and have moved the following three HCBS waivers to operate concurrently through 1915(c)/1115(a) combination waivers: MI Waiver for Children with Severe Emotional Disorder, MI Children’s Waiver, and MI Habilitation Supports waiver.
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