My LifeCourse Respite Portfolio
LifeCourse Respite Tool – My LifeCourse Respite Portfolio
The LifeCourse Respite Portfolio is a set of tools to help you make a plan for respite. The Charting the LifeCoure Respite Portfolio is designed as a booklet printed on 11×17 paper. It includes the CtLC Trajectory tool on the inside and the Integrated Supports Star on the back. It provides a cover sheet with information about the person.
The Trajectory helps you develop a clear vision for a for a good life and for a good respite experience. Having a vision of what good respite looks like for you and your loved one, and keeping that vision in mind, can help guide you as you make decisions about whether choices or experiences draw you closer to that vision or further away.
Completing the Integrated Supports Star for Respite will help you think about your own life and the supports and resources you have available in each of the star categories that could help make respite possible or a better experience for you and your loved one.
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