LifeCourse Respite Tool – Integrated Support Star

LifeCourse Respite Tool – Integrated Support Star

This tool helps you think through and identify how and where to find respite opportunities and services. Completing the star will help you think about your own life and the supports and resources you have available in each of the star categories that could help make respite possible or a better experience for you and your loved one.

Please find additional resources in Exploring Respite Opportunities and Options for helping to populate your Integrated Star in the Respite Portfolio.  These resources include informal community, relationship or technology supports that might provide respite opportunities or respite enhancements outside the formal respite services system as well as formal respite services suggestions.

Charting the LifeCourse Nexus housed at the at the University of Missouri–Kansas City Institute for Human Development, in collaboration with the ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center, developed Charting the LifeCourse Respite materials and tools.

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