National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers: Steps States Can Take to Implement Respite Actions
ARCH presentation for the first meeting of the Illinois Lifespan Respite Task Force, December 12, 2023
In a virtual presentation at the first meeting of the Illinois Lifespan Respite Task Force, Jill Kagan, ARCH Director, provided background and an overview of the National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers, described the role of Lifespan Respite grantees and partners in implementing the goals of the National Strategy, with a focus on implementing the recommended respite actions, and next steps states can take to help in this effort. She also described the cross cutting issue of the need to address the direct care workforce crisis in order to fully support the nation’s family caregivers, and presented the ARCH/NASHP/RCAW initiative to Recruit, Train and Retain Respite Providers.
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