Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network: Producing Positive Outcomes for Families, 2015-2017
Final Evaluation Report from University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe-Meyer Institute (UNMC-MMI) and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
The purpose of the evaluation of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite Program was to gather comprehensive information about respite services in Nebraska and how those services were both provided and received. Family caregiver outcomes related to stress levels, health, mental health, employment, relationships and finances were all explored and evaluated. In addition, respite care providers provided information about service provision, training and challenges in the field. Additionally, system outcomes were addressed as need for respite services and access to those services continues to be misaligned across the state. Finally, a preliminary investigation into cost-effectiveness provided insight into the potential cost-saving attributes of a statewide respite system.
The evaluation demonstrated respite services resulted in a range of family caregiver outcomes, including fewer health symptoms reported by family caregivers and less relationship strain with the care recipient. Read the Executive Summary.
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