Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network’s eLifespan Respite System

June 24, 2013

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The Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network demonstrates their eLifespan Respite System, an online information and referral, and secure online data and workspace system, designed to facilitate statewide access to coordinated respite services. The system provides compatibility with other statewide information and referral systems and has the ability to capture real time contacts to the Respite Network.  Family caregivers are referred to providers that closely match the care recipient’s needs as well as the caregiver’s needs. Other useful features of this system were described as well.


Sharon Johnson
NE Respite Network Administrator
DHHS – Medicaid & Long-Term Care

Charlie Lewis
Director, Answers4Families
University of Nebraska
Center on Children, Family and the Law
Lincoln, NE 68508

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