Opportunities from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to Expand and Support Respite

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Opportunities from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to Expand and Support Respite, March 30, 2016

Call Description:

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is a federal agency that engages more than five million Americans in service through its AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, Social Innovation Fund, and Volunteer Generation Fund programs, and leads the President’s national call to service initiative, United We Serve. Each presenter provided a brief description of their state or local initiative using funds or volunteers from the CNCS to provide respite and caregiving support services or to support their state respite coalition.

  • Jennifer Abernathy, Executive Director, Tennessee Respite Coalition, Nashville, TN, will describe how they use Senior Companions to provide respite. She will be accompanied by Robin Corindo, Tennessee State Program Director for CNCS.
  • Kelle Sweeney, Education Coordinator, Friends in Action, Boise, ID will describe how they recruit and utilize Legacy Corps volunteers for their caregiver support program.
  • Felicia Anfuso, Project Coordinator, NH Lifespan Respite Coalition is an AmeriCorps VISTA Member. She will share how she was recruited to coordinate the state respite coalition, her current role and responsibilities, and how you may be able to do the same in your state.

AmeriCorps Evidence Exchange

Legacy Corps is administered by Arizona State University

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