National Respite Care Provider Training Core Competencies
The National Respite Care Provider TrainingTM Core Competencies were developed by an expert work group convened by ARCH that included representatives of state and national organizations and government agencies that represent children, adults, and the aging and have experience in workforce development. Many members of the expert work group also have personal experience as caregivers. The proposed competencies were informed by an extensive review of existing core competencies and evidence-based frameworks developed by national and state organizations, governmental entities, and universities in training curricula for direct support professionals and respite providers.
More than 200 people completed a public comment survey that was developed to allow members of the general public to provide their feedback on the proposed Respite Care Professionals Core Competencies.
The Core Competencies are meant to serve as a baseline for entry-level respite care professionals. Additional training may be required depending on the unique needs of the care recipient and their family.
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