Self-Direction in Respite Voucher Programs: Path to Person and Family-Centered Care
April 25, 2023
Virtual presentation for the Applied Self-Direction At Your Desk Conference, April 25, 2023
Respite care provides a break from caregiving for both the caregiver and the disabled individual and should be a meaningful experience for them and other family members. Respite Voucher Programs, frequently funded by state Lifespan Respite Care grants funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, allow family caregivers in consultation with the person in care to select, hire and train their own respite providers, ensuring meaningful and culturally competent person and family-centered services. This session offers an overview of the Lifespan Respite Care Program with examples of states that offer various models of self-directed respite voucher programs. ARCH was joined by Lisa Schneider, Executive Director of the Respite Care Association of Wisconsin and Aietah Stephens, Executive Director, OK’s Sooner Success, both partners with their respective state Lifespan Respite Care programs.
Self-Directed Respite Voucher Guide
Readiness Assessment Tools for Starting, Enhancing or Expanding Respite Voucher Programs
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