State Strategies to Engage Employers, Conversation with Grace Whiting, National Alliance for Caregiving

State Strategies to Engage Employers, Conversation with Grace Whiting, National Alliance for Caregiving, April 22, 2015
Call Description:
Grace whiting shared updates on the National Alliance for Caregiving’s Champions Coalition Grantees to show how local communities are raising public awareness about the needs of working caregivers. This discussion flows from a previous ARCH webinar on Caregivers in the Workplace and provided an opportunity to share Lifespan Respite’s efforts/work/plans for engaging employers and the community in respite and caregiving support for employed caregivers.
With support from Pfizer, NAC awarded 8 mini-grants to caregiving coalitions interested in highlighting the challenges facing family caregivers at work. Each coalition has or will lead an event in 2015 that recognizes a Champion of family caregiving issues and identifies the needs of family caregivers balancing work and care in diverse communities across the country.
See also ARCH Webinar on Engaging Employers in Lifespan Respite with members of ReACT.
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