Successful Coalitions: An Ongoing Process of Self-Assessment, July 19, 2017
This call provided an opportunity for Lifespan Respite grantees and partners to share successes and challenges in engaging members in their state respite coalitions, in defining and redefining the coalition role in Lifespan Respite activities, in structuring the coalition, in sustaining coalition leadership, and in planning for the future. You are not alone if you struggle with any of these issues. Even successful coalitions face challenges when someone leaves, when leadership changes, when state policies or supports shift, when funding ends, or when competing interests are hard to overcome.
Two leaders from successful coalitions, Meghan Kluth with the CO Respite Coalition and Kathy Mayfield Smith, President and Co-founder, SC Respite Coalition shared their perspectives on what makes their coalitions work, how they are structured, and how they have overcome challenges and planned for the future.
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