The Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite, Part 1

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The Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite, Part 1, July 10, 2014

Call Description

Some state lifespan respite grantees and/or state respite coalitions or other primary partners have implemented a one-time voucher program or have been delivering respite assistance via vouchers for some time. Other states are just beginning to explore the options for voucher systems that might work in their states. The purpose of the call is to provide the opportunity for state grantees and partners to share their successes and challenges in advancing voucher respite.


Ellen Nau, VA Lifespan Respite grantee, Virginia Department for Aging and Disability Services, and Kathy McKeon, Catholic Diocese of Providence, RI, and a partner in the RI Lifespan Respite grant, will present their states’ experiences developing and administering respite voucher programs.


State Lifespan Respite Voucher Sample Tools

Listen to Fundamentals of Developing and Implementing Voucher Respite, Part 2

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