TimeBanking for Respite: An Innovative and Socially Just Approach to Supporting Family Caregivers
May 25, 2016
This webinar provided the historical backdrop and philosophy behind TimeBanking and began a discussion of how TimeBanks can be applied to the offering of respite care to family caregivers. Incorporated in 1995 by founder Edgar Cahn to create local economies that reward and value caring, reciprocity and a passion for justice, TimeBanksUSA combined a community-building currency – now called timebanking – and an approach to service delivery termed “co-production.” Co-production is based on the simple idea that recipients of health, education, housing and other welfare services, or (in the model discussed during the webinar, recipients of respite) will achieve better outcomes when, as clients, they can contribute as valued, active co-producers of the outcomes. Timebanking is at heart equally simple. The idea is that those receiving help can “pay” for the services they receive from others, not with money but time credits which they have earned by helping others. Each and every hour of help or services given earns a time credit. Timebanking and co-production share five core principles: 1. Everyone has assets to give; 2. Home, family and community is important work; 3. For those who receive to also give is a path to empowerment; 4. We are stronger together; and, finally, 5. Each person deserves respect.
Edgar Cahn, Founder and CEO of TimeBanks USA, provided an overview of the content, philosophy and functions of TimeBanks. He was joined by Christine Gray, TimeBanks Special Projects Coordinator, who provided more details on how these principles can be applied to delivery of respite services.
Website: TimeBanksUSA
Edgar Cahn’s Presentation at the 2014 National Lifespan Respite Conference (PPT Presentation and Video)
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