Resource Library: Caregiving Coping Assessment

Identifying, Measuring and Reporting Outcomes in Lifespan Respite Programs

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Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium, Nashville, TN October 10, 2014 Presented By: Greg Link, ACL/AoA and Casandra Firman, ARCH Session Objectives: Review Lifespan Respite Program  objectives Highlight evolution…

Nebraska Family Caregiver Depression Screening

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Developed by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program Responses to these questions were collected by the State Lifespan Respite program as part…

ARCH Evaluation Form for Planned Respite

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From Evaluating and Reporting Outcomes: a Guide for Respite and Crisis Care Program Managers, ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center Pre-Post Retrospective Survey for assessing the outcomes of planned…

Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)

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The 4-item version is appropriate for use in situations requiring a very brief measure of stress perceptions. It was previously employed when collecting perceived stress levels over the phone during…

The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (MCSI)

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The Modified Caregiver Strain Index (MCSI) is a tool that can be used to quickly screen for caregiver strain with long-term family caregivers. It is a 13-question tool that measures…

Time for Living and Caring: Making Respite Services Work for You!

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Time for Living and Caring: Making Respite Services Work for You! This brochure from the faculty at the University of Utah Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program and California State University at San…