State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees

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State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports FY 2020 Grantees This report contains summaries of the final reports from FY 2020 State Lifespan Respite grantees in…

State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes, Grantee Final Reports, FY 2017 and FY 2018

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State Summaries of Lifespan Respite Grant Activities and Outcomes Final Reports, FY 2017 and FY 2018 Grantees This report contains summaries of the final reports from FY 2017 and FY…

In Support of Caregivers: Key Accomplishments of Lifespan Respite Program Grantees

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Through competitive grants, the Lifespan Respite Care Program supports individual state grantees to achieve Five Objectives: Expand and enhance respite services in the states; Improve coordination and dissemination of respite services; Streamline…

Tools for Collaboration: Building and Sustaining Partnerships for Lifespan Respite Care Programs

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This fact sheet provides definitions of different levels of collaboration and answers the questions: Why is collaboration a priority area for the Lifespan Respite Care Program? and What does collaboration in Lifespan Respite…

Infographic: What’s the Key Ingredient for a Successful, Sustainable Coalition?

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Author: Casandra Firman, ARCH As Lifespan Respite grantees and their State Respite Coalition partners work to build diverse and meaningful partnerships for sustainability, ARCH developed this infographic to reflect lessons…

Coordination/Collaboration Tracking Form

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Prepared by ARCH as a sample measurement tool for Lifespan Respite grantees/partners.

Collaborators/Partners Fulfillment of Agreement Matrix

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Prepared by ARCH as a sample measurement tool for Lifespan Respite grantees/partners. In the far left hand column, list each agency the Lifespan Respite program collaborates with and has an…

Evaluating Organizational Collaborations: Suggested Entry Points and Strategies

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Abstract: Collaboration is a widely utilized strategy for addressing complex social issues and for facilitating organizational innovation and performance. Evaluators are uniquely positioned to empirically examine the development and effects…

Utilizing Collaboration Theory to Evaluate Strategic Alliances

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By Rebecca Gajda Abstract: Increasingly, collaboration between business, non-profit, health and educational agencies is being championed as a powerful strategy to achieve a vision otherwise not possible when independent entities…

Performance Measurement Learning Collaborative: Massachusetts Levels of Organizational Integration

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Presentation of Leanne Winchester, MA Lifespan Respite Coalition