Measuring the Value of Respite

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A White Paper by the ARCH Committee for Advancement of Respite Research (CARR) Purpose The purpose of this white paper is to provide an in-depth description of the current challenges…

ARCH Annotated Bibliography of Respite and Crisis Care Studies, 6th Edition, 2022

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The literature review for this updated bibliography adds summaries of 19 peer-reviewed journal articles. Articles were included from the time period 2020, where the 5th edition left off, through 2022.…

Advancing Respite Research – Findings from the Respite Research Summit

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On September 29 and 30, 2020, ARCH convened the virtual Respite Research Summit with more than 130 national and international participants. The Summit was a capstone event to an initiative by the…

A Research Agenda for Respite Care

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Deliberations of an Expert Panel of Researchers, Advocates and Funders To understand the existing research base, and to make recommendations for how to structure and organize future research in ways…

Benefits and Cost Savings Due to Respite

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Fact Sheet Developed by the National Respite Coalition

Identifying, Measuring and Reporting Outcomes in Lifespan Respite Programs

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Lifespan Respite Grantee and Partner Learning Symposium, Nashville, TN October 10, 2014 Presented By: Greg Link, ACL/AoA and Casandra Firman, ARCH Session Objectives: Review Lifespan Respite Program  objectives Highlight evolution…

ARCH Respite Research Summit: Roundtable Discussions

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Roundtable Discussions Facilitated by  Kim Whitmore, Marquette University, College of Nursing; Casandra Firman, MS, Susan Janko Summers, PhD, and Ray Kirk, PhD, ARCH ARCH Respite Research Summit, September 30, 2020…

Nebraska Lifespan Respite Subsidy 2015 Evaluation Report

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Developed by the NE Department of Health & Human Services Part of the overall Nebraska Lifespan Respite Services Program, the Lifespan Respite Subsidy Program provides funding for family caregivers to…

Nebraska Lifespan Respite Network: Producing Positive Outcomes for Families, 2015-2017

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Final Evaluation Report from University of Nebraska Medical Center, Munroe-Meyer Institute (UNMC-MMI) and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services The purpose of the evaluation of the Nebraska Lifespan Respite…