Resource Library: Evaluation/Performance Measurement
Measuring the Value of Respite
A White Paper by the ARCH Committee for Advancement of Respite Research (CARR) Purpose The purpose of this white paper is to provide an in-depth description of the current challenges…
Evaluating Respite: A Primer
Evaluating Respite: A Primer a presentation by Casandra Firman, ARCH Evaluation Consultant This presentation offers a primer on Respite Evaluation and answers the questions: Why evaluate? and What to Evaluate?…
ARCH Annotated Bibliography of Respite and Crisis Care Studies, 6th Edition, 2022
The literature review for this updated bibliography adds summaries of 19 peer-reviewed journal articles. Articles were included from the time period 2020, where the 5th edition left off, through 2022.…
Advancing Respite Research – Findings from the Respite Research Summit
On September 29 and 30, 2020, ARCH convened the virtual Respite Research Summit with more than 130 national and international participants. The Summit was a capstone event to an initiative by the…
A Research Agenda for Respite Care
Deliberations of an Expert Panel of Researchers, Advocates and Funders To understand the existing research base, and to make recommendations for how to structure and organize future research in ways…
Imagine Data, Reimagine Tantalizing Data
Presentation at the 2022 National Lifespan Respite Conference Imagine your data. Now, reimagine it presented in a form that tantalizes and engages. This session filled with hands-on learning experiences will…
VA Respite Voucher Satisfaction Survey 2022
As part of the Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program, caregivers are required to fill out this brief Satisfaction Survey and submit it to the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services…
Respite Voucher Reimbursement Packet 2022
The Respite Voucher Reimbursement Packet was developed by the VA Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services for use by the state’s Lifespan Respite Care Program. The packet includes instructions for…
Measuring Systems Change: A Brief Guide
Prepared by Administration for Community Living, Office of Performance and Evaluation, ACL Data Council, 2021 This brief provides an introduction to measuring systems change, including how systems and systems change…
VA Respite Voucher Reimbursement Packet with Surveys
This DARS Virginia Lifespan Respite Voucher Program packet includes: Voucher Form, Reimbursement Form, Satisfaction Survey, Training Survey, W-9 Form, Valid Proof of Payment. Forms must be completed by the family…
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