Caregiving – A series by Real World Health Care, 2023

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Produced by the HealthWell Foundation Caregiving is a recently published series of articles that spotlights the organizations and efforts dedicated to making sure that those who care for loved ones…

Taking Care: Resource Guide for Caregivers

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With support from the Virginia Lifespan Respite Care Program grant administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitation Services (DARS), the Virginia Caregiver Coalition (VCC) created Taking Care, a…

VA Caregiver Support Program Caregiver Respite Tool: Exploring Your Goals

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The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognizes the importance of caregivers as partners in Veterans’ care. VA has created this tool to help caregivers incorporate respite into their lives.…

Caregiving Resources from the National Institute on Aging

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Presentation by Stephanie Morrison, Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institute on Aging, April 19, 2023 For more information, email or call 800-222-2225 (English & Spanish) TTY: 800-222-4225.…

9 Pasos para El Cuidado de Respiro para cuidadores familiares de niños y adultos con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo

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Un camino para obtener el descanso que se merece ¿Es usted un padre de familia que brinda apoyo a un niño o adulto con una discapacidad intelectual o del desarrollo?…

Emergency Care Planning for Caregivers Flyer

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Developed by Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota Caregiver Support and Respite Program A flyer to help publicize emergency care planning services offered by LSS of Minnesota.

Statewide Family Networks

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Prepared by Elizabeth Sweet, M.Ed., Public Health Advisor, Child, Adolescent, and Family Branch, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Statewide Family Networks are funded by the Substance Abuse…

ARCH List of Crisis Nurseries

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ARCH List of Crisis Nurseries is a list that is provided by ARCH for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. The fact that a program is or is not…

Publicly Funded Respite Options for Caregivers in North Carolina

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Produced by the NC Lifespan Respite Project, NC Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services This document was originally developed in 2017 by a workgroup…

The ABCs of Respite

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A Consumer Guide to Respite for Family Caregivers In this Consumer Guide, you can find insight on how to plan for respite, information about the types of respite available, and…